The Foundation will be closed JUne 11–12 for a private event.
Leopold Center Details Here

Maria Kennedy

Program Associate

I grew up in the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts where my love for all things “natural, wild, and free” has its roots. As much as I love my home state, when it came time to choose where I wanted to attend college, I decided to venture a little farther away. In May 2022, I graduated with a degree in Environmental Studies from Denison University in Granville, OH. It was there, in an English class, that I first read A Sand County Almanac and was introduced to the idea of a land ethic, though it is a concept that felt immediately familiar to me. When I came across a job posting for the Fellowship program at the Aldo Leopold Foundation, I knew I had to apply. Luckily, they accepted me and I was able to spend an incredible year living with and learning from the land community here as an Education & Communications Fellow. Now, I have the privilege of staying on for a second year as a Program Associate. In this role, I will be coordinating professional development sessions for the Fellows, assisting with the crane programs, and dipping my toes into development work.