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More Ways to Give

Your support plays a crucial role in advancing the mission of the Aldo Leopold Foundation. As you explore our flexible and impactful giving options, know that your generosity ensures our ability to instill a deep respect for the environment in every individual and community we reach.
For additional information on any other giving options, please contact Deb Nieuwenhuis, | 608.355.0279 ext. 270

A person taking notes on a clipboard outside
legacy giving

Ensure a Lasting Impact

A legacy, or planned gift, allows you to leave a conservation legacy and help sustain the work of the foundation, while also meeting your individual financial and estate planning goals. Some supporters have included us as a beneficiary of their will, retirement plan (e.g., 401(k), 403(b), IRA), or life insurance policy. Others have contributed to our endowment to continue their annual support after they’re gone. Depending on the gift arrangement and your circumstances, you may be able to avoid capital gains taxes, reduce your estate taxes, or receive an income tax charitable deduction in a variety of ways.

Charitable contributions to the Aldo Leopold Foundation should be directed to:
The Aldo Leopold Foundation
E13701 Levee Road
Baraboo, WI 53913
Phone: 608-355-0279

Tax ID: 39-1423225
Established 1982

Maximize your Impact with Securities

Stock Donations

Donating stocks, bonds, or mutual fund shares is a powerful way to support our mission. This form of giving not only benefits the foundation but can also provide you with significant financial advantages, such as tax deductions and avoidance of capital gains tax. If you are interested in donating stock, bonds, mutual fund shares, or other securities to the foundation, please notify us in advance by sending the completed form to Jennifer Anstett, Operations Manager, at

Note: Donations of stock and mutual fund shares may not be able to be completed or post properly to our account if we don’t receive advanced notice of the donation. Also, for us to be able to identify and thank you as the donor, you must instruct your broker to specify your name in the transfer.

A man smiling outside the Leopold Shack
Streamline Your Giving

Charitable IRA Rollovers

The charitable IRA (Individual Retirement Account) rollover, or qualified charitable distribution (QCD), is a direct transfer of funds from a Traditional IRA account to a qualified charity, such as the Aldo Leopold Foundation. These charitable distributions can be excluded from your taxable income – and count toward your required minimum distribution – so long as the following rules are met.

Fulfillment of Required Minimum Distribution

Starting at age 70 ½, IRA owners must take an annual minimum distribution from their IRA account. These distributions are treated as ordinary income that is taxed at the IRA owner’s applicable income tax rate. The good news is that a charitable IRA rollover satisfies the minimum distribution requirements of an IRA, up to a cap of $100,000.

No Recognition of Income

The advantage of transferring funds directly from an IRA to a charity is that the IRA owner does not have to first recognize the gifted amount as gross income. The entire value of the donation is received by the charity. Because the contribution is never treated as income, the distribution doesn’t risk pushing taxpayers into higher tax brackets or reducing the amount of itemized deductions they can claim.

Note: To prevent a prohibited double-benefit, IRA owners who exclude a qualified charitable donation from gross income cannot claim a charitable income tax deduction, as well.

Limits on Donating from IRAs

The maximum distribution one can make from an IRA directly to a charity is $100,000. There is no income threshold or cutoff. Donations must go “directly” from the IRA to the charity, but it is permissible for the donor to present the check, already made out to the charity, in person.

Aldo Leopold Foundation donors accepting a plaque
Consult the Experts

Talk with an Adviser

If you are thinking about including the Aldo Leopold Foundation in your giving plans, we encourage you to talk with a professional adviser to determine how best to contribute in light of your specific tax situation.