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Living the Leopolds’ Mi Casita Ecology


Written by Richard Rubin, with foreword by Curt Meine & photographs curated by Annette Rubin.

The authors describe and illustrate experiences of Aldo and Estella Leopold’s legacy in Tres Piedras, New Mexico. As Carson National Forest Supervisor and daughter of a founding New Mexico family, they are the engaging axis to these words and pictures. This book provides a wide tour through time, places, and people, including archaeology, geology, American settlement history, U. S. Forest Service initiatives, the Leopolds’ brief presence, subsequent visitors’ contributions, modern restoration progress, current regeneration of literary and conservation scholarship, thoughts on activism psychology, insights about Leopold’s relevance now, and hopeful plans for greater community participation in this meaningful setting. Drawing on decades of Northern New Mexico engagement and several years of volunteer service as Mi Casita practical steward and conscientious student, Richard shares past and present wisdom he has gleaned from ecological scientists and teachers. Annette provides visual enhancements of the relationships that create true living in this story.

Richard Rubin is dedicating his proceeds to the volunteer Friends of Mi Casita Fund at the Taos Community Foundation for cabin preservation and educational program support.

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