Represented by several staff members and key volunteers, Jeanette Leehr and Thea Sheldon, the Leopold Foundation was proud to work with local conservation partners to convene a community learning symposium on the region’s important ecological and cultural dimensions. Buddy Huffaker, Executive Director, The Aldo Leopold Foundation, served as the event facilitator, while Carrie Carroll and Maia Buschman conducted additional interviews that were edited into a brief video recap (3:41 minutes) of the event, click HERE to view.
Great Lakes Fire – media and resources
Forest recovery patterns in response to divergent disturbance regimes in the Border Lakes region of Minnesota (USA) and Ontario (Canada)
Forest land cover change (1975-2000) in the Greater Border Lakes region
Comparing modern and presettlement forest dynamics of a subboreal wilderness: Does spruce budworm enhance fire risk?
Each year, Forest Service scientists collaborate with one another, scientists from partner institutions, and resource managers to write and publish thousands of peer-reviewed publications in hundreds of scientific journals plus books, conference proceedings, and Forest Service reports.
Research Stations also produce a variety of science synthesis publications that provide plain-language topic summaries and pathways to in-depth research. Each of these scholarly publications are available for free in the Treesearch collection of publications, now offering nearly 60,000 full text documents.
If you follow this search list within Treesearch, it will identify a series of articles – many with relevance to the Boundary Waters.
• Bois Forte Band of Ojibwe Drum Ceremony Artists
• Boundary Waters Connect
• The Ely Echo
• Ely's Historic State Theater
• The Izaak Walton League of America
• Jeanette Leehr and Henry, Terry, and Steve Carlson
• Listening Point Foundation
• Minnesota North College Vermillion Campus
• Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness
• Piragis Northwoods Company
• Save the Boundary Waters
• Thea Sheldon
• Tofte Lake Center
• U.S. Forest Service
• Waawaate Programs
The Aldo Leopold Foundation was founded in 1982 with a mission to foster the Land Ethic® through the legacy of Aldo Leopold, awakening an ecological conscience in people throughout the world.
"Land Ethic®" is a registered service mark of the Aldo Leopold Foundation, to protect against egregious and/or profane use.